A complete guide to get started with Rust - Part 2

In the last part of this guide, we saw how to install Rust and create a Hello World program. In this part we’ll find out how it actually works and also learn about the syntax of Rust.

Decoding ‘Hello World!’

If you’ve followed the last part of this guide, you should be in a folder named hello_world (or whatever else you named it). It should have the following structure:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
   └── main.rs

Now open up src/main.rs in your favourite text editor. It should look like this:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello World!");

Here we’re declaring a function called main using the fn keyword. The main function MUST be present for the program to compile. Although if you’re writing a library, you could have a libs.rs file with different functions inside. I’ll get to that later. Now inside the main function, we can see a line that says:

println!("Hello World!")

Now if you already know other languages, then you’ll think that this is a function call. But you’d be wrong, because this a macro call. Essentially, a macro in Rust, is a piece of code that generates another piece of code. It might seem complicated at first but when you’re knee deep in a project, macros just might save you. I’ll explain this in detail in the coming sections.

We can change the text from “Hello World!” to something like “Hello, I’m a Rustacean!”. Then save the file and run the program again using cargo run. It should print “Hello, I’m a Rustacean!” in the terminal! I’ll explain how to manipulate and print more strings in the coming sections as we learn about the Rust syntax.

Now that we’ve decoded the “Hello World!” program, we can move on to the details of the Rust syntax. If you didn’t understand what I’ve been saying, don’t worry, ‘cause I’ll explain all the different keywords and what they do in detail. Starting with variables!


Be it math or programming, one of the first things you learn is to declare a variable and that’s exactly what we’re going to do! Variables, in Rust, can be defined using the let keyword. For example, if you want to create a variable named x and initialize it to 0, then you do:

let x = 0;

Now lets try printing this variable. To do that in Rust, we can use the same println! macro with a few changes:

println!("{}", x);

Here, we can see that we’ve put a pair of curly braces inside the double quotes and then passed the variable as an argument. What we’re doing here is formatting the string. This is pretty similar to what you do in Python, so if you’ve ever written a program in Python, you’ll be familiar with this. We’ll learn about this in detail but for now, just modify the code like this and then run it. It should print 0 in the terminal. Here’s the whole code for reference:

fn main() {
    let x = 0;
    println!("{}", 0);

Now, we can declare a variable, but it’d be great if we could change it, right? Well, lets try doing that. After you declare the variable, put x = 1; and then try running the code. It won’t compile and will give this output:

error[E0384]: cannot assign twice to immutable variable `x`
 --> src/main.rs:3:2
2 |     let x = 0;
  |         -
  |         |
  |         first assignment to `x`
  |         help: consider making this binding mutable: `mut x`
3 |     x = 1;
  |     ^^^^^ cannot assign twice to immutable variable

This error occurs because any variable in Rust is immutable by default, meaning that they are constants and they’re value cannot be changed after they’ve been assigned. If we want to change the value of this variable, i.e, mutate the variable, then we need to use the mut keyword. This basically tells the Rust compiler that this variable is mutable. So to make the x variable mutable, put mut after the let keyword, like so:

let mut x = 0;

Now try running the code again. It should work this time and it’ll print 1 to the terminal.

Sometimes we don’t know what value to initialize the variable to or we don’t want to initialize it to a default value. Well, thats simple enough, just remove the = 0 part, right? Well not quite. As I said before, Rust has a strict type system, meaning you can’t just make a variable like you could in Python. You need to tell the Rust compiler what type of variable you want it to be. But then, you might ask, “we didn’t set any specific type when we declared x the first time, did we?”, and you’d be partially right.

Yes, we didn’t set a hard coded type, but since we initialized it to a value, i.e, 0 the Rust compiler inferred the type to be an integer. When we removed the initial value, the Rust compiler doesn’t know the type of the x variable. It could be a string, or an array of strings, or an integer, a float, it could be anything! That’s why we need to specify the type when we create the variable. Some basic types you should know in Rust are:

  1. Integers: In Rust, there are two primary categories of integers: signed and unsigned. Signed integers can represent both positive and negative numbers, whereas unsigned integers can only represent non-negative (positive) numbers. These integer types come in various sizes, measured in bits, such as i8, i16, i32, i64, and so on for signed integers, and u8, u16, u32, u64, and so forth for unsigned integers.

  2. Floats: Floats are used for representing decimal values, including numbers with a decimal point. Similar to integers, floats also come in various sizes, measured in bits. Rust provides float types like f32 and f64 to handle different levels of precision, where f32 is a 32-bit floating-point number and f64 is a 64-bit floating-point number.

  3. Strings: There are two types of strings in Rust, String and &str. String is a dynamic and mutable data type used to store sequences of characters. It can grow or shrink as needed, allowing you to modify its content by adding or removing characters. On the other hand, &str represents a string slice, essentially a reference to a sequence of characters, often stored in another data structure like a String or a static string. Unlike String, &str is static and immutable, primarily used for reading and processing text without altering the original data. So, String is for flexible, mutable text, while &str is for efficient and unchanging text references.

  4. Booleans: Booleans are one of the primitive types that are found in any language. A boolean represents either true or false. In Rust, booleans have the bool type.

  5. Vectors: Vectors in Rust are akin to arrays in other programming languages. A vector is a dynamic data structure capable of storing a list of elements of the same type, such as a vector of integers or a vector of strings. They are declared using the Vec keyword. For instance, to create a vector of integers, you can write Vec<i32>, which generates a vector containing 32-bit signed integers. Vectors are mutable, allowing you to add, remove, or modify values within them.

Okay, that was a lot of info. Now lets see how we can set the type of a variable. This is almost the same as in other languages, you put a colon next to the variable name and then put the type you want. For example,

let x: i32;

If you modify our old code like this and then run it, it should compile without any errors. This is the whole code up until now, for reference:

fn main() {
    let x: i32;
    x = 1;
    println!("{}", x);

We can also perform numerical operations on these variables. For instance, we can multiply x by 4 and then print the value. Take a look at this code:

fn main() {
    let x: i32 = 4;
    let x = x * 4;
    println!("{}", x);

If you try running it, you’ll see that it returns 16. You can also try adding two numbers, like this:

fn main() {
    let x: i32 = 16;
    let x = x + 4;
    println!("{}", x);

or subtracting them:

fn main() {
    let x: i32 = 14;
    let x = x - 4;
    println!("{}", x);

But you maybe wondering, “we’re declaring x two times, how does the compiler return the correct value each time?”. This happens due something know as shadowing. In Rust, if you declare a new variable with the same name as a previous variable, then the old variable becomes shadowed by the new variable. It means that the second variable is what the compiler sees when you use the name of the variable. In effect, the second variable overshadows the first, taking any uses of the variable name to itself until either it itself is shadowed or the scope ends.

That should be everything you need to know to get started with using variables in Rust. In the next section we’ll look at functions. :wq